5 Common Pickleball Serving Woes

It’s quite apparent that skills are made up of movements and to better understand it, we should consider this definition, “skills are the ability to bring about some end result with maximum certainty with the goal of a player to exert minimum energy, or time, and energy”, Motor Learning and Performance (2014).

The serve can be frustrating especially when the ball seems to veer off in unexplained directions or the power just isn’t there. Often times when you’ve lost your serve, it could be an easy fix.

Because serving is a compound skill, it can produce technical issues:

  1. Lack of power – Probably caused by inadequate body rotation.  Practice the serve motion without a ball and exaggerate hip and shoulder rotation.  Another deficient power problem may be too much bend in the elbow or a very short backswing. 

Easy Fix Solution: Practice keeping your arm straight and exaggerate arm extension.

If the problem persists: Seek out an intelligent coach who can do a video analysis with you to determine possible reasons and give you solid solutions.

2. Ball into the net or going too low:  Check stride – it may be too long. 

Easy Fix: Shorten stride leading into the contact with the ball.

If the problem persists: Check the angle of your paddle on contact with the ball. Ask a friend to video record your serve and watch it. If you can’t pinpoint the error, take it to a professional coach for analysis.

3. Ball going out or going long beyond opponent baseline

Easy Fix: Check your stride – it may be too long causing excessive projection of the ball

If the problem persists: Paddle angle, backswing, or grip on paddle may all be factors to investigate.

4. Ball spinning sideways out of bounds

Easy Fix: Most likely paddle angle is the culprit here. Monitor how you are holding your paddle with the type of grip that will provide the best success.

If the problem persists: Ask a Pro to review your paddle grip during the serve.

5. Jerky or incomplete motion: 

Easy Fix: This is usually caused by inadequate follow-through.  Increase your body rotation forward after the ball strike with a paddle.  Keep your momentum going forward with a smooth progressive motion. Align both your toes and the paddle in the direction of your target.

If the problem persists: Use your shoulder as your guide and point the paddle side shoulder at the target. Video analysis here may be most helpful to watch the progression of your serve. Ask a trusted friend or hire a Pro to guide you in the right direction.


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